Marg Curnow’s Letter to The Post

Marg Curnow, a plaintiff in our Human Rights Review Tribunal case, has had a letter to the editor of The Post published, responding to this opinion piece in The Post on June 19 2024. We reproduce Marg’s letter below.

The article in today’s Post exhorting women to stand up for transwomen needs to be challenged. Arbitrary statements such as “trans women are women and trans rights are women’s rights” are nonsensical to those of us who know that biology and sex are real and that they matter.

Nothing in the article tells me why, as a woman, I am obliged to adopt an ideology that says the nebulous concept of gender is more important than biological sex. Slogans and meaningless indefinable concepts such as “gender queerness” don’t help me understand how my rights and freedoms as a woman are threatened if I don’t subscribe to her beliefs.

I am neither frightened of, nor bigoted against people who believe themselves to be the opposite sex. They are entitled to the same human rights as every other human on the planet and deserve the same legal protection of those rights.

Unlike Maia Hall I believe women’s freedoms are threatened by the refusal to engage in, or have others engage in public discussion.

Those who would only have free speech for people whose ideas they agree with are not wanting freedom of speech at all and therein lies the real danger.

Margaret Curnow


Anaria Tangohau OBITUARY


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