Chest reconstruction, top surgery, masculinizing chest reconstruction
What do we even think these terms mean? Typing “chest reconstruction” into Google, one could imagine all sorts of websites popping up. How about “Boston Children’s Hospital”?
Mr Menno is not amused.
Already heard enough? Understandable. But it’s essential to use clear language when describing what is happening right now.
A video of London-based gay writer, singer and performer, Mr Menno, hit home the message: What, in the name of “gender identity ideology”, are we doing? Have we lost our collective minds to believe slicing off the healthy breasts of 12, 13, 14 year-old girls is acceptable other than in cases of horrible accidents or illness? If left alone, many of them might have become well adjusted happy lesbians.
We might think this is just happening in the United States and has nothing to do with us. But how many “cool” trends coming from the US has New Zealand rejected? What makes us think we can dodge that bullet? Do we know what is going on in New Zealand hospitals who have been forced to deliver “gender affirmative” care for years? Are we okay with public money being used to mutilate children?
In his video, Mr Menno provides ample evidence, which LAVA has checked and is listing below. Watch the short video and make up your own minds.
Johanna Olson-Kennedy et al: Chest Reconstruction and Chest Dysphoria in Transmasculine Minors and Young Adults: Comparisons of Nonsurgical and Postsurgical Cohorts
Here’s the graph from Olson-Kennedy’s study.
Here are the prices the aptly named Dr Drew Schnitt (German for “cut”) asks for his services.
This is the US-based Irish surgeon Mr Menno mentioned: Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher who gives advice on “designer nipples”, how not to loose your nipples, and “safe binding”.
This is Lisa Littman’s study, which initially had the title, “Rapid Onset of Gender Dysphoria in Adolescents and Young Adults: a Descriptive Study” . After kerfuffle with the gender lobby, Brown University re-titled it “Parent reports of adolescents and young adults perceived to show signs of a rapid onset of gender dysphoria.” This change of title says everything you never wanted to know about the freedom of research at universities.
Here is the infamous Kaiser Permanente in California where “breast health” doesn’t mean keeping “healthy breasts”. In their info section about “transgender” we found this gem: “Lesbian: A woman (either cisgender or transgender) who is gay.”