Are “transgender” people more likely to be murdered?
Headlines around the world have repeatedly claimed an “epidemic of violence” against “transwomen”, but this is simply not true. We’re not trying to have some kind of leader board here. But we need to stick to reality and verifiable facts:
❏ Globally, the overwhelming majority of murdered “transgender” persons are prostitutes in Latin America. However, all prostitutes are vulnerable everywhere!
The project Transrespect reports that 375 “trans and gender-diverse people” were murdered in 2021. Of course, if this number is correct, this would be 375 too many. The figure, however, is likely unreliable, because the methodology used to obtain it consists of “transactivists” and sympathetic organisations reading newspaper reports and trawling the internet. It is also worth pointing out that the backers and funders of the project are the TGEU, the Open Society Foundation (G. Soros), the Arcus Foundation (J. Stryker and Transhumanist M. Rothblatt), and the woke Heinrich Böll Foundation, which is rooted in Green Party politics and anchored in gender ideology.
❏ No “transgender” person was murdered in New Zealand in 2019, but 22 women were killed by men.
❏ No “transgender” person was murdered in the United Kingdom in 2017, but 138 women were killed by men.
❏ 19 “transgender” persons were murdered in the USA in 2019, but 3,584 women were killed by men (4 black women are killed every day of the year!)
The UK’s The Critic Magazine put out a worthwhile article about the issue.