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Encoding “Non-Binary”

There is no escape from the tentacles of the “gender” crusaders - now they’re creeping into the html codes of businesses who collect personal data. Consequently, EVERYONE will have to choose from made-up pronouns and a smorgasbord of “genders”, whether they like it or not.

In the psychedelic Matrix-like PR material of Spark New Zealand, the “vulnerable” and “invisible” individuals who think they’re “non-binary” talk about “being forced to constantly lie, correct or educate [which] is exhausting”. You don’t say!

Infuriatingly, Spark’s “inclusivity” campaign pops up frequently amidst Youtube videos of those who oppose the ideology.

Of course, the whole string of code is free to download. After all, the central aim of the identity ideologues is to normalise distorted language, so they make it easy for businesses to help them push it on everyone. Naturally, the NZ Herald applauds the move.

However, the destruction of the sex binary has nothing to do with inclusivity and everything with power and greed. As Humpty Dumpty famously said, “The question is, which is to be master—that's all.”